Let's look at animals

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Camouflage and disguise

Describes how animals camouflage and disguise themselves in order to survive hunt and mimic other animals.
Cover image of Camouflage and disguise

Plumas y pelaje =

Feathers and fur
Photographs and simple text describe how fur and feathers protect various animals and birds. Presented in English and Spanish.

Picos =

Beaks and bills
Describes the beaks of several different kinds of birds, explaining how they are used for catching food, for eating, and as tools for other purposes. Presented in English and Spanish.

Dientes y colmillos =

Teeth and fangs
Photographs and simple text written in both English and Spanish describe how various animals use their teeth and fangs for protection and to hunt.

A partir del huevo =

From an egg
This book describes puppies and calves as mammals that grow inside the mother's body and turtles, fish, insects, and chicks that hatch from the mother's eggs.

Cornamentas y cuernos =

Antlers and horns
This book describes the horns of pronghorns, cape buffaloes, and goats and the antlers of deer, moose, and elk and explains the difference between horns and antlers.

Colas y rabos =

Animal tails
Describes the tails of several kinds of animals, explaining how they are used for movement, balance, and communication. Presented in English and Spanish.
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