Brown, Tracy

Compare Name: 

Jeff Hardy

bound for glory
Traces the life and career of professional wrestler Jeff Hardy, who has succeeded both individually and as a part of the tag team known as the Hardy Boyz.


a snapped novel
Misa Atkinson faces jail time and the loss of her son after confessing that she murdered her son's abuser, while Camille struggles to cope with her pregnancy and her estranged husband's reaction to the news.
Cover image of Aftermath

Facebook safety and privacy

A discussion of safely using Facebook, an online social network site, that addresses proper ways to behave while online, acceptable use policies, privacy protection, and other related topics.

John Cena

world wrestling champ
Traces the life and career of professional wrestler John Cena, including his acting career and his favorite charities.

Blogger or journalist?

evaluating what is the press in the digital age
Provides an overview of journalism and blogging in the digital age.

White lines

Jada runs away from her Brooklyn home and abusive stepfather at the age of sixteen and hooks up with Born, a neighborhood kingpin who treats her to the high life until she succumbs to crack addiction.

Criminal minded

Lamin Michaels and his latest partner in crime, Zion, build one of New York's largest narcotics empires, until Lamin falls for a beautiful girl who makes him realize there is more to life than money.

Stephenie Meyer

Profiles the life and career of the famous writer, Stephenie Meyer.

Jeff Hardy

bound for glory
This book tells about professional wrestler Jeff Hardy, including growing up on a farm in North Carolina and his rise to fame as half of the Hardy Boyz wrestling team.

John Cena

world wrestling champ
This in-depth biography allows readers an inside look at John Cena's roots in Massachusetts through the heights of his stardom.


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