Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics
Derbyshire, John
Traces the history and background of the Riemann Hypothesis, discussing the impact it has had on the field of mathematics since it was first developed in 1859.
Discusses the development and evolution of numbers in different cultures throughout history, looking at number sequence and language, written numerals and computations, and the origins of the modern decimal system.
Secret agent Matt Mattics and his team must answer questions about integers in order to stop Dr. Strangeglove from destroying the amusement park with a ride-eating Number Cruncher.
Presents a colorful children's counting book for early readers that describes the animals, fish, historic forts, lighthouses, and other interesting sites that make up the history of Maine.
Zero believes that he is a hero, but the counting numbers think he is worthless until they get into trouble with some Roman numerals, and only Zero can help.