pencil drawing

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pencil drawing

Draw 1001 animals

Love animals? This book has 1001 cool creatures to draw for hours of fun! With 1001 animals to choose from, budding artists can draw creatures that live all around the world and in the ocean, jungle, desert, savannah, or tundra. Select from a striped zebra, kingly lion, spotted hyena, snow-white polar bear, adorable penguin, brilliantly hued toucans and parrots, a blue whale, and of course much-loved pets and farm animals-dogs, cats, bunnies, chickens, goats, and horses. Use them for inspiration in any project!.

The manga artist's handbook

the easy 1-2-3 method for beginners
Provides step-by-step instructions for drawing manga characters, focusing specifically on their expressions.

50 ways to draw your beautiful ordinary life

practical lessons in pencil and paper
"Here are 50 easy, illustrated step-by-step lessons on how to draw a . . . curated list of the things we see and interact with every day: a bouquet of flowers, a watering can, a cat, mittens, favorite plants and vegetables, a cup and saucer, a kitchen table, fruit wrappers, a seagull, a dress collar, an apple tree. The lessons take us line by line from early sketch to finished drawing, with space alongside for the reader to draw the same. And unlike other beginner's drawing guides, every lesson stems from each artist's particular sensibility. This book is not about learning shapes, but how to create beautiful images with quirkiness and personality. The focus is not on perspective or shading, but the mindful pleasures of doing creative work"--Provided by publisher.


Presents step-by-step instructions for drawing forty kinds of Pok?mon, including Pikachu, Eevee, and Snorlax.

The big book of drawing

Presents a guide on how to draw insects, foods, sea creatures, and more for young readers.
Cover image of The big book of drawing

How to draw lifelike portraits from photographs

20 Step-by-Step Demonstrations
Offers step-by-step instructions on how to create realistic looking pencil portraits from photographs, demonstrating how to draw individual facial features and how to properly shade and blend tones and highlights.

The drawing handbook

A beginners guide to the essentials of drawing features with step-by-step lessons and more than 500 detailed illustrations.

How to draw Pokemon

Presents step-by-step instructions for drawing sixteen kinds of Pokemon, including Pikachu, Chikorita, and Totodile, as well as Ash.

10-minute drawing projects

A collection of drawing projects that take ten minutes, including instructions to draw a kitten, robot, monster, sunflower, and more.

My pencil and me

"My Pencil and Me is the playfully, silly, fourth-wall-breaking picture book young artists need, especially if they struggle with confidence or writer's block"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of My pencil and me


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