Mi biblioteca de ciencias

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H?bitats de los animales

Photographs and easy-to-follow text describe the habitats of different animals around the world and provide information on how those habitats change over time.

Vamos a investigar la luz

Brief text and photographs describe how the Earth spins on its axis creating day and night and explain electromagnetic waves and refraction.
Cover image of Vamos a investigar la luz

?Puedo probarlo!

la investigacio?n cienti?fica
Brief text and photographs describe the scientific method and explain that by examining the result of the experiment the researcher can conclude whether the hypothesis proves to be true or false.
Cover image of ?Puedo probarlo!

Los cambios de la materia

cambios fi?sicos y qui?micos
Brief text and photographs describe how matter changes and explain how scientists will find new ways to help our planet.
Cover image of Los cambios de la materia

Los a?tomos y las mole?culas

Brief text and photographs describe the structure of an atom and explain today's periodic table.
Cover image of Los a?tomos y las mole?culas

Datos asombrosos acerca del sonido

Brief text and photographs describe how sound waves bring us information about our world and explain how the amount of energy in a sound wave is measured at its height or amplitude.
Cover image of Datos asombrosos acerca del sonido


prueba de materiales
Brief text and photographs describe the states of matter and explain how scientists experiment and analyze results.
Cover image of Anali?zalo

El uso de instrumentos para entender nuestro mundo

Brief text and photographs describe tools for measurement and tools for communication and explain how scientists are developing new tools with the potential to improve our world.
Cover image of El uso de instrumentos para entender nuestro mundo

?Dale un tiro?n! ?dale un empujo?n!

Brief text and photographs describe how to move objects by exerting a force which is a push or a pull.
Cover image of ?Dale un tiro?n! ?dale un empujo?n!

Co?mo medir la materia

This book introduces three common states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas and discusses measuring matter when it is a liquid, a solid, or a gas.
Cover image of Co?mo medir la materia


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