parental behavior in animals

Topical Term
parental behavior in animals

Animal mothers and fathers

"Young animals need help from their parents. Adult animals help protect them from harsh weather conditions and teach them how to stay safe and find food. The animal babies share similar characteristics as their parents. Includes science and reading activities and a word list"--.
Cover image of Animal mothers and fathers

Baby on board

how animals carry their young
"Rhyming verses present some of the many ways that animals carry their young, including 'Tucked in pouches. Gripped in teeth. Propped on backs--or underneath'"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Baby on board

Love matters most

"A mother polar bear searches the arctic landscape for her cub"--.

Explore my world

baby animals
Describes a variety of baby animals and how their mothers take care of them. Curious kids ages 3 to 7 will learn about a day in the life of a baby animal, from mama's care to the great world beyond. These engaging Explore My World picture books on subjects kids care about combine simple stories with unforgettable photography. They invite little kids to take their first big steps toward understanding the world around them and are just the thing for parents and kids to curl up with and read aloud.

Daddy Honk Honk

"With a little help from his friends on the tundra, an arctic fox learns how to be a good daddy to a noisy gosling"--.

Pup and bear

A stranded wolf cub is rescued and raised by a loving polar bear, and years later when he is grown into a wolf and on his own, he comes upon a lost polar bear cub, and the cycle begins again.

ZooBorns motherly love

celebrating the mother-baby bond at the world's zoos and aquariums
Contains information and photographs of zoo babies.

Follow me!

animal parents and babies
Introduces the relationship between animal babies and their parents.


Tells all the different special things animal and human mothers do for their babies.

Mother's love

inspiring true stories from the animal kingdom
Contains a collection of animal photographs, and quotes, about the nurture, instruction, and protection that a mother provides.


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