refugees, political

Topical Term
refugees, political

A Liberian family

Describes the events that led to civil war in the West African republic of Liberia and the efforts of one Liberian family to emigrate to the United States and rebuild their lives in Houston, Texas.

A Kurdish family

Describes the experiences of one Kurdish family that fled their home in northern Iraq and moved to a new life in California.

To destroy you is no loss

the odyssey of a Cambodian family

Fantastic flight to freedom

Relates the experiences of two teenage boys who decide to escape from Castro's Cuba by stowing away in the landing gear of an airplane.

An Eritrean family

Describes an Eritrean family's struggle to emigrate from their country, which was fighting for independence from Ethiopia, to the United States, and the adjustments they have made.

A Hmong family

Depicts the history and culture of the Hmong, a unique ethnic group living in Southeast Asia, and describes the experiences of a Hmong family who left Laos to rebuild their lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The story of the Saigon airlift

Describes that dramatic helicopter airlift, the largest in history, which during two days in 1975 carried thousands of Americans and selected South Vietnamese out of Saigon as the North Vietnamese marched to capture the city, thus ending the long Vietnam War.

A Guatemalan family

Describes a Guatemalan family's struggle to emigrate from their country to the United States and the adjustments they have made.

Where the river runs

a portrait of a refugee family
Describes the experiences of a family of Cambodian refugees as they learn to adjust to a different way of life in the United States while holding on to their ethnic heritage.

Children of the Maya

a Guatemalan Indian odyssey
Examines the plight of Mayans who have fled the violent political situation in Guatemala and settled in a community in southern Florida.


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