characters in literature

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characters in literature

Hermione Granger

Harry Potter student turned heroine
Explores the character of Hermione Granger, including her creation by author J.K. Rowling, her journey in the Harry Potter series of books and movies, and more.

Mary had a little glam

In this twist on the children's nursery rhyme, fashionista Mary arrives at school on the first day and sees that the other nursery rhyme characters need her help getting some new clothes and accessories. However, when the characters look too fancy to play outside at recess, Mary learns that sometimes less is more.

Wicked as you wish

Years after the evil Snow Queen desolated the magical kingdom of Avalon, Prince Alexei, his friend Tala, and a ragtag band, inspired by the appearance of the Firebird, try to reclaim their land.

The hunger of the seven squat bears

After one squat bear set to trade the family cow for food returns with only one bean, the others worry they will starve during the winter and are approached by a smooth-talking cat in boots who says he might be able to help them with their hunger.

Babes in Toyland

A retelling, based on the 1903 operetta, of the classic story of how two children from Mother Goose Land are pursued into the magical Toyland by an evil uncle who wants to kill them for their fortune.

M?s all? de los reinos

Alex and Connor Bailey join forces with Goldilocks, Jack, Red Riding Hood, Mother Goose, and Lester to prevent the Masked Man from raising an army of villains and taking over the Land of Stories.

The big book of monsters

the creepiest creatures from classic literature
"Profiles twenty-five monsters from mythology, folklore, and literature, from Medusa the gorgon and Polyphemus the cyclops to Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and the headless horseman of Sleepy Hollow" -- OCLC.

Tristan Strong punches a hole in the sky

Seventh-grader Tristan Strong tumbles into the MidPass and, with allies John Henry and Brer Rabbit, must entice the god Anansi to come out of hiding and seal the hole Tristan accidentally ripped in the sky.

The unusual suspects

Although filled with anger over her parents' disappearance, eleven-year-old Sabrina Grimm--along with her grandmother, sister, and several fairy-tale characters--tries to discover who has killed her teacher.

Once upon a crime

Sabrina and Daphne Grimm return to New York City to investigate the death of an important Everafter, and discover a secret that might lead them to the Scarlet Hand.


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