Es mi cuerpo

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Piernas, rodillas, pies y dedos

A simple introduction to how we use our legs and feet and how these parts of the body are structured.

El pelo

Simple text and color illustrations describe the many different colors and purposes of hair, as well as how it grows.

Pares del cuerpo

Photographs and text depict, in increasing numbers, parts of the body that come in pairs, such as hands, thumbs, and knees.

El cuello y los hombros

Provides information about the anatomy and location of the neck and shoulders and the role of each in the functioning of the human body.

La cabeza

Describes the many parts of the human head, such as the eyes, muscles, and brain, and their purposes, providing color photos.

Brazos, codos, manos y dedos

Explains, through brief text and illustrations, the structure and uses of the human arms and hands.
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