White, Amy

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Un dia sin tele

Te presento a Jacobo

The students in Ms. Perez's classroom learn about a new way of communicating when Jacob, a boy who has a hearing disability, joins the group.

A la b?squeda del tesoro!

A group of children uses a map to find a treasure.

No necesito paraguas

Catalina is convinced she does not need an umbrella for her walk to her friend's house and that the weather man has made an incorrect forecast, but changes her mind after going outside and seeing dark clouds in the distance.

El campo y la ciudad

A boy from the country and a girl from the city compare the ways in which their lives are different and the same.

Qu? quieres ser

Children with different interests think about what they would like to be when they grow up.

Qu? clase te gusta m?s?

School children describe which classes are their favorites at school.

Opuestos en el reino animal

Looks at opposites in the animal world, and provides photographs and facts about animals that are big, small, tall, short, long, and short.

Las estaciones

Simple text and photographs introduce the seasons, describing the changes in nature and the various activities in which people participate.


Describes the general characteristics of insects, and looks at what makes certain insects unique.


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