Christelow, Eileen

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The robbery at the Diamond Dog Diner

Lola Dog doesn't wear her usual diamonds to the Diamond Dog Diner when she hears there are jewel thieves in town, but she doesn't take into account Glenda Feathers' loud talk about where Lola should hide her jewels.

Jerome the babysitter

Mrs. Gatorman's nine frisky little pranksters put Jerome, their baby sitter, through his paces.

Jerome and the Witchcraft kids

Jerome Alligator's skill is put to the test on Halloween night when he babysits Mrs. Witchcraft's two devilish kids, Lucy and Lucifer.

Don't wake up Mama!

another five little monkeys story
Five little monkeys try to bake a cake for their mother's birthday without waking her up.

What do illustrators do?

Shows two illustrators going through all the steps involved in creating new picture books of "Jack and the Beanstalk," including layout, scale, and point-of-view.


Using a campaign for mayor as an example, shows the steps involved in an election, from the candidate's speeches and rallies, to the voting booth where every vote counts, to the announcement of the winner.

Jerome camps out

Jerome the alligator is looking forward to the Swamp School camping trip, until he and his friend, P.J., learn that they have to share a tent with Buster, the class bully.

Five little monkeys with nothing to do

Five little monkeys are bored, but their mother has them clean up the house for Aunt Bessie's visit.

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree discover, one by one, that it is unwise to tease Mr. Crocodile.


Using a campaign for mayor as an example, shows the steps involved in an election, from the candidate's speeches and rallies, to the voting booth where every vote counts, to the announcement of the winner.


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