Fact Finders : first-person histories

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Memoir of Tillie Pierce

an eyewitness to the Battle of Gettysburg
Explores the Battle of Gettysburg through a memoir written by Tillie Pierce who, when she was fifteen years old, lived in Gettysburg during the battle.

Memoir of Susie King Taylor

a Civil War nurse
Looks at the life of Susie King Taylor, a runaway slave, who founded a school and taught both children and adults how to read and write, and who was the first African-American Civil War nurse to write her own story.

Diary of William Bircher

a Civil War drummer
Briefly examines the life of William Bircher, who was a young drummer boy for the Union Army during the Civil War.

Diary of Sarah Gillespie

a pioneer farm girl
Briefly explores the life of Sarah Gillespie, who was a young girl living as a pioneer out on the American prairie with her family.

Diary of Sally Wister

a colonial Quaker girl
Briefly examines the life of Sally Wister, who was just a girl in 1777 when the Revolutionary War forced her and her family out of Philadelphia.

Diary of Sallie Hester

a covered wagon girl
Briefly examines the life of Sallie Hester, who was just a teenager when her family packed up and left their home in a covered wagon for California.

Diary of Carrie Berry

a Confederate girl
Briefly explores the life of Carrie Berry, a Confederate girl who was ten years old in 1864, when the Union bombarded Atlanta with cannon fire.

Diary of Charlotte Forten

a free black girl before the Civil War
Presents excerpts from the diary of Charlotte Forten, a free African American teenager who lived in Massachusetts before the Civil War.

Diary of William Bircher

a Civil War drummer
"Presents excerpts from the diary of William Bircher, a 15-year-old Minnesotan who was a drummer during the Civil War"--Provided by publisher.

Diary of Charlotte Forten

a free Black girl before the Civil War
Presents excerpts from the diary of Charlotte Forten, a free African American teenager who lived in Massachusetts before the Civil War.


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