Wexler, Jerome

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Flowers Fruits Seeds

Photographs of various plants and trees show characteristics of different leaves, seeds, and flowers and depict the cycle from fruit to seed to flower.
Cover image of Flowers Fruits Seeds

From spore to spore

ferns and how they grow
Traces the life cycle of ferns and gives advice on raising them.

Queen Anne's lace

Photographs and informative text depict the characteristics of the leaves, seeds, flowers, and development of the plant. Also examines the similarities between Queen Anne's lace and the carrot plant.

Secrets of the Venus's fly trap

Details the growth of the Venus's Fly Trap, its reaction to various "foods, " and how to care for it at home.

Flowers, fruits, seeds

Photographs of various plants and trees show characteristics of different leaves, seeds, and flowers and depict the cycle from flower to fruit to seed to flower.

Pet hamsters

Describes how to house, feed, and handle a pair of pet hamsters and the families they produce.

Everyday mysteries

The familiar becomes mysterious and beautiful in the shapes and patterns revealed in these full-color close-up photographs of ordinary household items. Answers are found at the end of each section.

Sundew stranglers

plants that eat insects
Text and photographs present a close-up look at sundews--where and how they grow, how they reproduce, and how their remarkable gland-tipped tenacles attract, trap, and absorb the plants' live food.

Pet gerbils

Text and color photographs describe how to house, feed, and handle a pair of pet gerbils and the families they produce.

Pet mice

Text and color photographs describe how to house, feed, and handle a pair of pet mice and the families they produce.


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