

Smokin' Joe

the autobiography of a heavyweight champion of the world, Smokin' Joe Frazier
Autobiography of boxer Joe Frazier who held the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World from 1970 to 1973, discussing his transition from a poor kid to earning a multi-million dollar purse, talking about his famous bouts, and giving his opinions about the fights and fighters that came after him.

Fugitive days

memoirs of an antiwar activist
Famous 1960s radical Bill Ayers shares details of a decade spent living underground, from his days on the "ten most wanted" list to his part in breaking Timothy Leary out of jail.

The spiral staircase

my climb out of darkness
Karen Armstrong chronicles her struggle against despair that started with her departure in 1969 from the Roman Catholic convent she had entered seven years before and ended when she rediscovered her spirituatlity through her writing.

Tom Seaver

A brief biography of pitcher Tom Seaver, who was instrumental in reversing the New York Mets losing streak and helping them become the National League champions.


Rick Barry
A profile of Rick Barry, the "Golden Boy" of the Golden State Warriors, based on interviews with Barry, family, associates, and friends.

Public enemy

confessions of an American dissident
"In this sequel to Fugitive Days, Ayers charts his life after the Weather Underground, when he becomes the GOP's flaunted "domestic terrorist," a "public enemy." Labeled a "domestic terrorist" by the McCain campaign in 2008 and used by the radical right in an attempt to castigate Obama for "pallin' around with terrorists," Bill Ayers is in fact a dedicated teacher, father, and social justice advocate with a sharp memory and even sharper wit. Public Enemy tells his story from the moment he and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, emerged from years on the run and rebuilt their lives as public figures, often celebrated for their community work and much hated by the radical right. In the face of defamation by conservative media, including a multimillion-dollar campaign aimed solely at demonizing Ayers, and in spite of frequent death threats, Bill and Bernardine stay true to their core beliefs in the power of protest, demonstration, and deep commitment. Ayers reveals how he has navigated the challenges and triumphs of this public life with steadfastness and a dash of good humor--from the red carpet at the Oscars, to prison vigils and airports (where he is often detained and where he finally "confesses" that he did write Dreams from My Father), and ultimately on the ground at Grant Park in 2008 and again in 2012"--.

Same river twice

honoring the difficult
Reflections by the author on the period of time in her life when she went from being a reclusive writer to a public figure due to the filming of her book, The Color Purple.

Roads less traveled

dispatches from the ends of the earth
A collection of essays in which Catherine Watson reflects on the places she has traveled and the way they have impacted her life.

Alice Walker banned

Presents two of Alice Walker's short stories and part of "A Color Purple" with discussion on how they have been the subject of removal from tests, school libraries, and school curricula in the United States.

George Lucas

[the making of his movies]
Tells the behind-the-scenes stories of the making of director/producer George Lucas's movies, including the "Star Wars" trilogy, "American Graffiti," the "Indiana Jones" series, and others.


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