When a team of feline ninjas descends upon the animal town of Pawston and the sacred scroll of Bark-Jitsu disappears, Sensei, a skilled martial arts sea otter, asks Westie and the rest of the Pup Investigators to investigate.
Sixteen-year-old Marigold "Goldie" Vance lives at a Florida resort and wants nothing more than to become the in-house detective someday. When Goldie and her friend Cheryl find an astronaut washed up on a beach, they investigate the mystery of where she came from and why she was in the water, discovering a shocking secret along the way.
After fox sisters Zelda and Ivy and their best friend Eugene watch the new Secret Agent Fox movie, they are inspired to do some detective work of their own.
Offers chapter thirteen through sixteen in the Goldie Vance series following sixteen-year-old amateur detective Marigold "Goldie" Vance as she investigates mysterious power outages, missing musicians, and Russian spies at the "Rockin' the Beach Music Festival." Includes concept art and a case study on illustrating a script.
A new year brings Sonny and Mildred into the realm of awkward love, as Sonny meets a girl who seems to be a magical Selkie, and Mildred falls for the bad boy she meets in Saturday detention, drawing the ire of Sasha, the boy's girlfriend.
Insatiably curious sixteen-year-old Marigold "Goldie" Vance meets Sugar, spoiled daughter of the Crossed Palm resort's owner, who needs her help for solving a mystery involving the world of Prescription One racing.
Alice Jones enjoys solving math problems and little mysteries for her classmates, but now one of them has asked her to figure out how a scientist who was working on invisibility disappeared from his locked lab--and solving this problem could actually lead Alice into real danger, because someone does not want him found.
Mega-superstar David Bow-Wowie is ready to rock and roll at the Bow-Wow Club until all the instruments mysteriously disappear, but Rider and the P.I. pack are ready to solve the musical mystery.