school facilities

Topical Term
school facilities

School warrior

going green
Trees are chopped down to supply classrooms with paper, disposable pens pile high in landfills, and pollution from transporting ingredients for school lunches hangs in our air.

Facilities planning for school library and technology centers

Identifies the people to involve and the issues that should be considered when planning new or remodeled facilities for school library media and technology centers.

The space

a guide for educators
"Hare and Dillon walk educators through a series of questions and ideas on how learning spaces can support collaboration, creation, showcasing learning, and a learner's need for quiet. In addition to nudging thinking forward, Space provides practical design tips and uses images and testimonials for hacking learning spaces on a realistic budget. This book is designed to motivate, grow capacity, and energize educators to begin shifting their learning spaces to support modern learning for all students"

Plugged in and turned on

planning, coordinating, and managing computer-supported instruction
An introduction to computer-supported instruction that offers educators practical resources to help them plan, coordinate, and maintain and computer-based instruction program in their schools.
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