When the Silver children visit their eccentric uncle at his home near the sea they find a cursed island haunted by Goldtooth the pirate and his ghostly crew--and it is up to Echo and the Bat Pack to solve the mystery of the buried treasure so the ghosts can depart.
A ghost is making a mess of the library at Castlerock, and Echo's old friend, the librarian, is about to lose his job so it is up to Echo and the Bat Pack to figure out what the ghost is looking for and restore peace to the castle.
Becca is so excited by her dance lessons that she does not even care that her neighbor and dance partner is a vampire, and it is up to Echo, the Bat Pack, and a talking parrot to make sure that this dance does not end in disaster.
When the lake in one of Fogville's parks suddenly becomes polluted and starts to boil, Echo the bat and his human friends, the Bat Pack, venture into the sewers to find the monster that may be causing the problem.
Contains close-up color photographs of bats, vultures, fulmars, toucans, petrels, and other bizarre or unusual birds and bats, and provides facts about their habits and behaviors.
Easy-to-follow text and photographs introduce children to bats, which are nocturnal animals, and describes their physical characteristics, diet, behavior, and other topics.