Froggy is excited about his first sleepover, but a series of events sends Froggy and Max back and forth between their houses, until it seems they will never fall asleep.
Froggy isn't looking forward to his check-up because he might get a shot but when it's over and he's pronounced a very healthy frog, Dr. Mugwort is the one who dreads Froggy's next visit.
A story about Alaska's state bird, showing how the birds are able to blend into their surroundings in each of the different seasons of the year. Includes facts about the willow ptarmigan.
Froggy tries to help his new babysitter while his parents are out for the night, but his well-intentioned actions end up causing a bigger mess for the babysitter to clean up.
Froggy hoped for a brother to play with so he is disappointed with his new baby sister, Pollywogilina, but only until she is old enough to start learning from her big brother.