Fechas para la historia

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La ca?da del muro de Berl?n

10 de noviembre de 1989
Offers a brief overview of the events surrounding the fall of the Berlin Wall which divided Germany into communist and democratic states, and discusses the impact the wall's demolition had on world history and society.

Asesinato del Presidente Kennedy

22 de Noviembre de 1963
Discusses the assassination of U.S. president John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 during a visit to Dallas, Texas, and looks at the continuing debate over who really ordered and/or committed the crime.

Hitler invade Polonia

1 de septiembre de 1939
Relates how Adolf Hitler's determination to succeed helped him to overcome such obstacles as a poor education and become dictator of Germany.

Col?n llega a Am?rica

12 de octubre de 1492
Relates the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, whose voyages across the Atlantic revealed to fifteenth-century Europeans the riches of the Americas.

El hombre llega a la luna

21 de Julio de 1969
Relates the story of how astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon in 1969, and looks at developments in space exploration prior to the big event.

La bomba de Hiroshima

6 de Agosto de 1945
Describes the development of the atomic bomb in the first half of the twentieth century, and discusses the decision by the United States to drop the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945 in an effort to bring World War II to an end.

La liberaci?n de Nelson Mandela

11 de Febrero de 1990
Discusses Nelson Mandela's long fight against apartheid in South Africa, his twenty-seven years as a political prisoner, his release from prison in 1990, and his subsequent leadership role in the country.

Primera guerra mundial

11 de Noviembre de 1918
Recounts the history of World War I, looking at key events in each year of the conflict, discusses the armistice of November 11, 1918, and includes a time line, maps, photographs, and a glossary.

Ataque a las Torres Gemelas

11 de septiembre de 2001
Relates the events of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, discussing the search for the people responsible, response from other countries and from the United States government, and the heroism of rescuers.
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