James, Elizabeth

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How to be school smart

secrets of successful schoolwork
Discusses a variety of simple techniques for developing effective study habits.
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How to write terrific book reports

Explains how to write an effective book report, covering such aspects as choosing the book, thinking while reading, writing a first draft, and preparing the final draft, and offers tips for oral presentations.

How to keep a secret

writing and talking in code
Presents various methods of writing, speaking, and signaling secret messages.

Managing your money

Discusses money and personal finances including savings and checking accounts, credit cards, and budgets.

The complete babysitter's handbook

Advice for the young baby sitter including how to get jobs, how to deal with parents, safety precautions, handling the children, and dealing with emergencies.

How to grow a hundred dollars

As she starts her own terrarium business, Amy is introduced to such basic economic principles as costs and inflation, profit and loss, interest and loans, advertising and attracting new investors, and eventual liquidation at a profit.

The woman who married a bear

An illustrated retelling of a First Nations' tale in which a haughty young woman, disdainful of bears, is captured by the Bear People, one of whom takes her as his wife and teaches her to respect the great animals through his kindness and tender heart.

What do you mean by "average"?

means, medians, and modes
Defines and explains how to calculate mean, median, mode, and percentage.

The complete babysitter's handbook

Advice for the young baby sitter including how to get jobs, how to deal with parents, safety precautions, handling the children, and dealing with emergencies.

The simple facts of simple machines

Describes the simple machines--lever, pulley, wedge, screw, inclined plane, and wheel and axle--and explains how they are utilized to make work easier.


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