former soviet republics

Geographic Name
former soviet republics

The Commonwealth of Independent States

Provides background on eleven countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union and examines the problems they face since declaring independence in 1991.

Cultural atlas of Russia and the former Soviet Union

Explores the geographical/ethnographic background, and cultural history of Russia and the former Soviet Union, and features a tour of modern-day regions. Includes a chronological table, over forty maps, and illustrations.

End of empire

5 new works from the 15 Republics of the Former Soviet Union

The breakup of the Soviet Union

opposing viewpoints
A collection of articles debating issues related to the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the future of the region, and America's foreign policy there.

The Commonwealth of Independent States

Russia and the other republics
Describes how the Commonwealth of Independent States came about after the collapse of the Soviet Union and introduces the geography, people, and culture of the Commonwealth's republics.

The Cambridge encyclopedia of Russia and the former Soviet Union

Provides information about history, geography, population, religions, arts, science, daily life, sports and recreation, as well as the political, social, economic and military structure.

The handbook of the former Soviet Union

Looks at the past, present, and future of all the newly independent nations of the former Soviet Union, with a chronology of events leading up to the fall of the Soviet Union.

Russia and the former Soviet Republics

Presents illustrated overviews of the physical geography, history, population, culture, society, politics, and economy of Russia and the former Soviet republics; discusses the region's future; and includes a chronology and a further reading list.

The fall of the Soviet Union

Discusses the history of the Soviet Union, and describes the fall of Communism.


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