water resources development

Topical Term
water resources development

Water wars

privatization, pollution and profit
Explores the reasons why water supplies are declining in countries around the world, placing the blame on corporate and personal greed, and discusses the dangerous effects of water shortage on the land and its people.


Text and illustrations explain how water provides us with energy.

Water resource management

A collection of essays that feature opposing viewpoints on the issues surrounding how water resources are managed as well as the outside issues that affect water safety, and discusses global warming, privitization, regulated dams, reclaiming wetlands, and more.

Water for life

"An examination of the shrinking supplies of freshwater resources, exploring how water has been polluted, diverted, and over-consumed, as well as how better water management contributes to a healthier planet"--Provided by publisher.

Will the world run out of fresh water?

Discusses the issues surrounding fresh water resources, including pollution, water as commodity vs. water as human right, and desalination as a solution to fresh water shortages.


Collects essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to water, discussing what affects resources, if there is a water crisis, how resources should be managed, and if drinking water is safe.

The atlas of water

mapping the world's most critical resource
Details the distribution and supply levels of water in locales all over the world. Identifies regions in which water shortage is a problem and considers what can be done to provide access to clean water to underprivileged persons around the world. Includes color photographs and illustrations.

Water for everyone

Discusses the causes of the earth's dwindling water supply and the spread of disease in dirty water. Offers suggestions for conserving water, a glossary of related terms, and sources for further information.

Not a drop to drink

water for a thirsty world
Examines the current water crisis in North America, explaining what has endangered the water supply and what can be done to stop the crisis and protect water resources.


the fate of our most precious resource
Examines how water has been used to create and destroy civilizations throughout history and discusses the problems that could arise in the future if the world's water supply isn't protected.


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