Goldish, Meish

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Michael Phelps

anything is possible!
Photographs and text provide a brief biography on Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps that describes his experiences at the 2008 Olympic games, his early swimming career, and other related topics.

Amazing water frogs

This book is an introduction to water frogs, describing where they live, how they stay safe, and what kinds of changes they go through as they grow from tiny eggs to four-legged adults.

Warty toads

This book is an introduction to toads, describing where they live, what they eat, how they stay safe, and what kinds of surprising changes they go through as they grow from tiny eggs to warty adults.

Slimy salamanders

This book is an introduction to salamanders, describing where they live, how they stay safe, and what kinds of surprising changes they go through as they grow from tiny eggs to slime-coated adults.


civilian to sailor
Describes what it takes for civilians to become sailors in the U.S. Navy, discussing the training programs, drills, and tests the U.S. Navy uses to make sure new recruits are prepared to fight.

Disabled dogs

Describes dogs with disabilities that overcome challenges to live full, active lives.

Coast Guard

civilian to guardian
Describes what it takes for civilians to become Guardians in the United States Coast Guard, discussing the training programs, drills, and tests the Coast Guard uses to make sure new recruits are prepared for any situation.


civilian to soldier
Describes what it takes for civilians to become Army soldiers, discussing the training programs, drills, and tests the U.S. Army uses to make sure new recruits are prepared to fight.

Heart-stopping roller coasters

This book describes the Kingda Ka, Steel Dragon 2000, the Beast, Millennium Force, the Riddler's Revenge, and other giant scream machines.

Tricky trapdoor spiders

Photographs and simple text describe the lifecycle, physical characteristics, and behaviors of trap-door spiders.


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