Burns, Diane L

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Trees, leaves, and bark

A guide to sixteen trees found in the United States, providing information about their lifespans and uses, leaves, bark, and seeds.


fruit of the bogs
Provides information about the history of cranberries, and follows activities on a cranberry farm, from planting to harvest.

Horsing around

jokes to make ewe smile
Presents an illustrated collection of jokes for young people about animals.

Elephants never forget!

a book of elephant jokes
A collection of elephant jokes, including "What's the hardest thing for a stampeding elephant to catch? Her breath.".

Here's to ewe

riddles about sheep
A collecton of humorous riddles about sheep.

Berries, nuts, and seeds

Describes a variety of berries, nuts, and seeds that might be found on a nature walk and includes identification information.

Snakes, salamanders, and lizards

A field guide to thirty species of snakes, salamanders, and lizards, including blank pages for drawings and notes.

Wildflowers, blooms, and blossoms

Describes thirty common species of wild flowers from the black-eyed Susan to the Johnny jump-up. Includes activities and scrapbook pages.

Trees, leaves and bark

Provides tips on how to identify some of the many trees that grow in the prairies, woodlands, swamps, and mountains of the United States; looks at the leaves, bark, and seeds of each featured tree; and includes ideas for tree-related activities.


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