

Stratford Zoo Midnight Review presents Macbeth

When the gates lock up for the night at Stratford Zoo, the animals get out of their cages and reenact Shakespeare's famous plays, with a certain amount of poetic license, or else bad acting. This time it is "Macbeth," the Scottish king portrayed by the lion.

Kill Shakespeare

Hamlet has joined Juliet, Othello, Iago, and Falstaff in their rebellion against Richard III and Lady Macbeth, but the road to their savior, Shakespeare, will be long and wrought with danger and counterfeit.

Kill Shakespeare

The heroes of William Shakespeare's plays--Hamlet, Juliet, Othello, and Falstaff--attempt to overcome his villains--Richard III, Lady Macbeth, and Iago--in order to find and kill the reclusive wizard William Shakesepeare and take his magic quill.

Kill Shakespeare

In the wake of the destruction of Prospero's island, Titus Andronicus' massive navy sweeps the oceans, destroying all opposers, in a search for the missing Hamlet, Juliet, Othello, and Shakespeare. Meanwhile, the fabled pirate Captain Cesario and his first mate Viola will do anything ittakes to survive the storm.

The science of Shakespeare

a new look at the playwright's universe
Explains that William Shakespeare lived during the first phase of the Scientific Revolution, discusses the Renaissance thinkers who lived near Shakespeare, and how these new ideas impacted his works.

Women of will

following the feminine in Shakespeare's plays
An analysis of female characters in Shakespeare's plays, looking at how they changed over the course of Shakespeare's career.

The merchant of Venice

A graphic novel adaptation of William Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice.".

Sir Henry Neville, alias William Shakespeare

authorship evidence in the history plays
In 1601 Sir Henry Neville was imprisoned and "Shakespeare" stopped writing history plays. This book reveals evidence of Neville's authorship, with examples of annotation found in books from Neville's library suggesting they were material for the plays. Anomalies indicate Shakespeare's bias in portraying the Nevilles in a positive light, revealing the hidden author's political viewpoint and true identity.


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