Mr. Speed creates a website on which his students can anonymously type their worries and get feedback from their classmates, which helps them sort out everything from pimples to stepfamily problems.
Justin is nervous about third grade. He didn't get the teacher he wanted, his best friend is not in his class, and he lost his favorite stuffed animal.
Juliet is a worrier, but when constant bickering between her and her younger sister leads Juliet to move into her own bedroom, she discovers the Worry Tree her grandmother used as a girl to relieve her own concerns.
Jessica, who worries about everything from her spelling homework to remembering to fill her dog's water dish, learns that fire safety begins with extinguishing her fears.
After her brother Jared dies, ten-year-old Annie worries about the hidden dangers of everything, from bug bites to bicycle riding, until she is befriended by a new neighbor who is grieving her own loss.