A yellow ball rolls out of sight, over the Bridge of Butterflies, across the Field of Lesser Beasts through painted trees to the place where all lost things are found.
The weird creatures which inhabit a medieval painter's home drive his housekeeper away, until a change of heart sends her back to the beasts and to Bosch in a new and loving relationship.
Riding on the New York City Subway, Molly and Sean exit into the Crystal Empire and join a giant tortoise on a mission to save the empire from the Firebrat.
On his way to visit Cousin Bottom in Minneapolis, Cousin Tottem gets lost in a magic cornfield, from which he sends Bottom a series of postcards telling about his outlandish experiences.
based on the poem by John Milton told as the story of the war in Heaven, the disobedience of Adam and Eve, and their exit from Eden into the world
Willard, Nancy
A prose retelling of John Milton's narrative poem chronicling the war in heaven between competing angels and how the disobedience of Adam and Eve led to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.