
Topical Term

The Roman Colosseum

Discusses the Roman Colosseum including why it was built, who built it, how it was constructed, how it has been used, its closure and deterioration, and its repair and restoration.

A Roman gladiator

Discusses aspects of the working life of a Roman gladiator, including recruitment, training, weapons, and tactics, as well as how gladiatorial conflicts reflect the values of their day.

Life of a Roman gladiator

Discusses aspects of the life of Roman gladiators, including recruitment, training, weapons, and tactics, as well as how gladiatorial conflicts reflect the values of their day.

Girl in the arena

a novel containing intense prolonged sequences of disaster and peril
In Massachusetts, eighteen-year-old Lyn, who has grown up in the public eye as the daughter of seven gladiators, wants nothing less than to follow her mother's path, but her only way of avoiding marriage to the warrior who killed her last stepfather may be to face him in the arena.

Running out of time

While running in the fog early one morning, three friends suddenly find themselves in the Roman Empire of 73 B.C. where they become catalysts in a slave revolt led by the gladiator Spartacus.


Presents a discussion of gladiators, covering their lifestyle, training, armor, weaponry, tactics, and participation in Roman society.

The age of the gladiators

savagery & spectacle in ancient Rome
Describes the glories of ancient Rome, focusing on the spectacles held at the arenas, where men and women were killed by wild beasts while spectators looked on, enjoying free food and savage forms of entertainment.


Provides information about the history, lives, and fighting styles of gladiators, discussing when and where they fought, how they were trained, their weapons and gear, and more.

The mark of the Horse Lord

Bearing an uncanny resemblance to the now-blind displaced King of the Scots, former gladiator and slave Phaedrus impersonates the Horse Lord to regain control of the Scottish kingdom from the Picts.

Gladiator boy: Escape from evil

As their gladiator training continues, the enslaved Decimus Rex and his five cellmates are forced to endure a series of public trials in the Arena, including hand-to-hand combat with a fellow slave, under the watchful eye of the trial-master Slavious Doom.


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