targeted killing

Topical Term
targeted killing

Drone warrior

an elite soldier's inside account of the hunt for America's most dangerous enemies
For nearly a decade, Brett Velicovich was at the center of America's new warfare: using unmanned aerial vehicles -- drones -- to take down the world's deadliest terrorists across the globe. One of an elite handful in the entire military with the authority to select targets and issue death orders, he worked in concert with the full human and technological network of American intelligence -- assets, analysts, spies, informants -- and the military's elite operatives, to stalk, capture, and eliminate high value targets in al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Rise and kill first

the secret history of Israel's targeted assassinations
Explores the history of Israel's use of targeted assassins and targeted killing in order to protect itself.
Cover image of Rise and kill first

Drones, surveillance, and targeted killings

Presents essays and articles examining issues of surveillance, drones, and targeted killing by the U.S. military. Chapters discuss the United States' involvement in drone warfare, drones and border security, use of drones for domestic surveillance, and civilian drone use. Includes an index and list of relevant organizations.

The drone memos

targeted killing, secrecy, and the law
The Drone Memos collects for the first time the legal and policy documents underlying the U.S. government?s deeply controversial practice of ?targeted killing??the extrajudicial killing of suspected terrorists and militants, typically using remotely piloted aircraft or ?drones.? The documents?including the Presidential Policy Guidance that provides the framework for drone strikes today, Justice Department white papers addressing the assassination of an American citizen, and a highly classified legal memo that was published only after a landmark legal battle involving the ACLU, the New York Times, and the CIA?together constitute a remarkable effort to legitimize a practice that most human rights experts consider to be unlawful and that the United States has historically condemned.

Kill chain

the rise of the high-tech assassins
Explains how computers kill soldiers and civilians and is a prelude to the rise of robot warfare---once the stuff of science fiction but now is reality in the technology era that we have made and one that could kill us all.

Kill chain

the rise of the high-tech assassins
"For the first time in our military history, how we wage war is being built around a single strategy: the tracking and elimination of "high value targets"--in other words, assassination by military drone. Kill Chain is the story of how this new paradigm came to be, from WWII to the present; revealing the inner workings of these military technologies; introducing the key figures behind the transformation as well as the people on whom these deadly technologies have been tested; and illuminating the effects of drone warfare on our global image. This book will shed new light on the subject, from drone development in WWII and their use in the Vietnam War, to their embrace by the Bush administration and their controversial use by President Obama today. Cockburn will detail the corporate and political agendas that have effectively legitimized the once-banned practice of assassination, and the devastating effects of drone strikes gone awry"--.

Dirty wars

the world is a battlefield
In Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill, author of the New York Times best-seller Blackwater, takes us inside America?s new covert wars. The foot soldiers in these battles operate globally and inside the United States with orders from the White House to do whatever is necessary to hunt down, capture or kill individuals designated by the president as enemies.
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