Turning points in US military history

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The Cuban missile crisis

In 1962, people around the world, but especially in the United States, Cuba, and the Soviet Union, seemed to be holding their breath as they wondered if a nuclear war was about to erupt. US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara later recalled that he thought October 27, 1962, "was the last Saturday I would ever see.".

Tet Offensive

The Tet Offensive of 1968 was the turning point of the Vietnam War. It convinced many Americans that the war could not be won. In this book, readers will learn about the different factions of the war: the North Vietnamese Army, the Viet Cong, the South Vietnamese, and the American military forces.

The battles of Lexington and Concord

The Battles of Lexington and Concord are often glossed over in history books as the beginning of the American Revolution in April 1777. However, how they fit in with the events before and after the war are well worth reading about.


On June 6, 1944, Allied forces led by the United States and England landed in German-occupied France. Years in the planning, more than 160,000 soldiers landed in Normandy. The fates of these forces, the key figures of leadership, and the adversity and triumphs of World War II is recounted in this fascinating volume.

The attack on Fort Sumter

The Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in 1861 marked the beginning of the American Civil War. Federal troops eventually surrendered after 36 hours of open fire. The controversial election of Abraham Lincoln, the contentious issue of slavery, and the South's demand for states' rights all factored into this momentous event.

The attack on Pearl Harbor

Without the Japanese attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, the United States might never have entered World War II. The motivations for Japan to attack the United States and the repercussions of the event, including the internment of Japanese-Americans, are thoroughly discussed in this valuable book.


Presents the events leading up to and during the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944.

The attack on Pearl Harbor

Examines the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in December of 1941, the event that impelled the United States into World War II.

The Tet offensive

Recounts the events surrounding the Tet offensive from a wide range of perspectives.
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