Traces the life of the frontier settler and Texas defender who died in the attack on the Alamo, including information on his early days and his effect on American frontier culture.
Recounts the battle of the Alamo, discussing the events that led up to the fight, the bravery of both the Mexican soldiers and the Texian fighters, the impact the fight had on Mexican and American history, and other related topics.
Twelve-year-old Jessie resents her father's decision to move his family to San Antonio where they are caught up in the revolution of 1835-1836 including the siege of the Alamo.
An overview of the struggle between the Texan settlers and Mexico's General Santa Anna for control of Texas, with a detailed description of the 1836 siege of the Alamo. Includes biographical sketches and quotations of some of those involved.
Examines American settlement into the Texas territory in 1820, their years of conflict with the Mexican government, The Battle of the Alamo, Texas independence, and entrance into the United States.