classification, dewey decimal

Topical Term
classification, dewey decimal

Dewey decimal classification and relative index

Presents the text of the Dewey Decimal Classification system, a general knowledge organization tool; featuring an explanation of the special features and changes in the 22nd edition, a description of the system, tables of notation, schedules from 000 to 999, and a relative index.

The efficient, inventive (often annoying) Melvil Dewey

When Melvil Dewey realized every library organized their books differently, he wondered if he could invent a system all libraries could use to organize them efficiently. Melvil was a persistent (and noisy) advocate for free public libraries. And while he made enemies along the way as he pushed for changes--like his battle to establish the first library school with women as students, through it all he was efficient, inventive, and often annoying as he made big changes in the world of public libraries--changes still found in the libraries of today.

Dewey decimal classification

principles and application

Subject headings for children

a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with abridged Dewey numbers added
Cover image of Subject headings for children

Subject headings for children

a list of subject headings used by the Library of Congress with Dewey numbers added

The Lure of the library

Sherlock leads the Sharp Wits to the library where they learn about the Dewey decimal system and how library books are classified. They uncover how nonfiction books are divided into ten main sections with an individual call number and are organized by subject. The Sharp Wits also learn how fiction books are located in a separate area of the library.

Using the Dewey Decimal System

Describes how the Dewey Decimal System is organized, and how students can use it effectively to find what they are looking for in the library.

Using the Dewey decimal system

This program describes how the Dewey Decimal System is organized and how students can use it effectively to find what they are looking for in the library.


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