Marcus, Leonard S.

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why picture books matter : conversations with 21 of the world's most celebrated illustrators
Leonard S. Marcus interviews twenty-one established authors and illustrators of pictures books, discussing their childhoods, inspiration, mentors, creative processes, and more.

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five picture-book families make their mark
Five famous picture-book families share their memories, scrapbooks, book dummies, model shots, and final art, revealing how their books were created, how their artistic skills have evolved, and how one's roots influence who and what they become.

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five favorite picture-book teams go to work
Describes the process by which several teams of authors and illustrators have created such picture books as "Louis the Fish," "The Glorious Flight," "The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales," "Sam and the Tigers," and "The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses.".


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