Word cloud classics

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The merry adventures of Robin Hood

of great renown, in Nottinghamshire
Follows the adventures of Robin Hood, the good-humored outlaw and skilled archer who, along with his followers, endeared himself to the poor through his generosity.

William Shakespeare tragedies

Contains twelve tragedies by William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare comedies

Contains fourteen of William Shakespeare's comedies.

Common sense and selected works of Thomas Paine

"Presents three works by Thomas Paine "Common Sense," "The Rights of Man", and "The Age of Reason." In "Common Sense", which swayed public opinion in favor of American independence from England. "The Rights of Man and The Age of Reason" further advocated for universal human rights, a republican instead of monarchical government, and truth and reason in politics."--Provided by publisher.

The Poetry of Emily Dickinson

The Poetry of Emily Dickinson is a collection of pieces by 19th-century American poet Emily Dickinson, who insisted that her life of isolation gave her an introspective and deep connection with the world. As a result, her work parallels her life - misunderstood in its time, but full of depth and imagination, and covering such universal themes as nature, art, friendship, love, society, mortality, and more. During Dickinson's lifetime only seven of her poems were published, but after her death her prolific writings were discovered and shared.

The scarlet letter

Hester Prynne, condemned by Puritan law to wear the scarlet letter "A" for adulteress, endures her ostracism with dignity, while her lover is tormented by the burden of an unexposed sin.
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