Lightning bolt books. Animals in danger

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Endangered and extinct mammals

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct mammals, including the Ganges dolphin, Asian elephants, and the saber-toothed tiger.
Cover image of Endangered and extinct mammals

Endangered and extinct invertebrates

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct invertebrates, including Greek red damsels, Oahu tree snails, Staghorn coral, pink velvet worms, trilobites, ammonites, and more.
Cover image of Endangered and extinct invertebrates

Endangered and extinct fish

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct fish, including the winter skates, the bocaccio rockfish, the cape seahorse, the megalodon and the eobothus.
Cover image of Endangered and extinct fish

Endangered and extinct amphibians

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct amphibians, including the Hewitt ghost frog, the arroyo toad, the Chinese giant salamander, the devil frog, the orange-bellied newt, and more.
Cover image of Endangered and extinct amphibians

Endangered and extinct reptiles

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct reptiles, including the tiger chameleon, the hawksbill turtle, and several of the dinosaurs.

Endangered and extinct mammals

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct mammals, including the Ganges dolphin, Asian elephants, and the saber-toothed tiger.

Endangered and extinct invertebrates

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct invertebrates, including Greek red damsels, Oahu tree snails, Staghorn coral, pink velvet worms, trilobites, ammonites, and more.

Endangered and extinct fish

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct fish, including the winter skates, the bocaccio rockfish, the cape seahorse, the megalodon and the eobothus.

Endangered and extinct birds

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct birds, including the California condor, crested ibis, dodo bird, and passenger pigeons.

Endangered and extinct amphibians

Simple text and photographs introduce endangered and extinct amphibians, including the Hewitt ghost frog, the arroyo toad, the Chinese giant salamander, the devil frog, the orange-bellied newt, and more.
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