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Can you survive the Johnstown flood?

an interactive history adventure
"On May 31, 1889, heavy rains and a dam failure sent flood waters sweeping into Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The 50-foot-high wall of water quickly demolished much of the town. Will you and your new husband be able to escape certain doom as you wait for your train to leave the station? Can you climb onto your house's roof for safety before the building completely fills with water? Will you join in the effort to save others who are floating by on the roofs of their houses? With dozens of possible choices, it's up to YOU to find a way to survive one of the deadliest disasters in American history"--Provided by the publisher.

Can you track down Bigfoot?

an interactive monster hunt
In this plot-your-own story book, the reader who wants to be a monster hunter follows the clues to find Bigfoot, or a Yeti, or the Florida Skunk Ape.

Don't play dirty, gertie!

be fair
Explores the story of one child who faces dilemmas about different social situations, the choices he or she makes and the consequences of those choices.

Wait your turn, Tilly

be patient
Tilly experiences different scenarios that make her impatient; readers are offered three different options for how she should act and are then asked what they would do in the same situation.

No hitting, Henry

don't hurt
Henry experiences different scenarios that make him mad; readers are offered three different options for how he should act and are then asked what they would do in the same situation.

Can you survive the battle of Ragnar?k?

an interactive mythological adventure
"Ragnarok has come! It's the end of everything, including the reign of the Norse gods. Odin, Thor, and the other gods will battle their ancient enemies. Several of them also clash with giant monsters that will decide their destiny. As the fighting rages, the ground quakes, the seas grow violent, and even the sun and stars go dark. Can you survive the final battle between the gods, the giants, and the monstrous creatures of Norse mythology?"--Back cover.

Can you succeed on an epic Norse adventure?

an interactive mythological adventure
"You are the god Thor from Norse mythology. You enjoy your role as the god of thunder. But you have a complicated relationship with your brother Loki. You enjoy going on grand adventures together, but you're often at odds with him. You are a strong and brave warrior, while Loki uses his quick wits to outsmart the enemy. However, Loki enjoys playing tricks on you to make you look foolish. Can you recognize your brother's tricks and avoid getting into trouble?"---Amazon.

Can you capture the chupacabra?

an interactive monster hunt
In this plot-your-own story book, the reader who wants to be a cryptozoologist follows the clues to find the elusive Chupacabra monster, a scary creature with spines and glowing red eyes.

Can you net the Loch Ness Monster?

an interactive monster hunt
The narrator is a dedicated monster enthusiast, and the reader must help the narrator to decide whether to pursue the Loch Ness monster, known as Nessie, or one of the other lake monsters reported in places like Lake Champlain in upstate New York, and the Congo.

Can you catch the kraken?

an interactive monster hunt
"Reports are pouring in from around the world. A fishing crew claims a giant squid is lurking off the coast of Norway. A huge, snakelike sea serpent was spotted in the Mediterranean Sea. Far out in the Pacific Ocean there are reports of the biggest shark ever seen. Are these reports evidence of the legendary Kraken and other sea monsters of old? It's up to you to find out! With dozens of choices, you can follow the clues to the end. Which path will you choose to discover the truth?"--Provided by publisher.


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