When a road accident traps Scooby-Doo and the gang in Winter Hollow at Christmas, they must solve the case of the monster snowman that attacks all the town's chimneys.
"This Step into Reading collection features five LEGO City leveled readers, featuring careers including firefighters, handy persons, police, and veternarians!"--Amazon.
"This action-packed leveled reader follows players Emmy and Birch, along with their tame wolf Byte, as they explore a dark Minecraft mansion"--Provided by publisher.
"Young players Emmy and Birch, along with their tame wolf Byte, embark on an incredible journey to gather the right materials to go flying"--Provided by publisher.
"Nintendo and Mario Kart fans ages 5-8 will love to meet Mario, Luigi, and all their friends and foes in this Step 3 Step into Reading level reader as they compete and race to win!"--Provided by publisher.