Paul, Ann Whitford

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Count on Culebra

go from 1 to 10 in Spanish
Culebra the rattlesnake comes to the rescue with a cure involving the Spanish numbers uno through diez after Iguana stubs her toe and cannot make her sweet cactus butter dulces. Includes a recipe.

Ma?ana Iguana

Iguana, Conejo, Tortuga, and Culebra are excited about having a spring party, but only Iguana is willing to do any of the work. Includes a glossary of Spanish words used.

Word builder

Text explains how putting letters into words, words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into chapters ends up creating a book.

Hello toes! Hello feet!

A girl takes delight in all the things she and her feet do throughout the day.

Everything to spend the night

[from A to Z]
While showing her grandfather all the things, from A to Z, that she has brought with her to spend the night, a little girl suddenly realizes that she forgot one important item.

Shadows are about

Shadows are alive, climbing, spinning, swooping, and stretching with everything around them during the bright sunny day but when night falls...the shadows disappear.

The seasons sewn

a year in patchwork
Shows how the patterns and pattern names in patchwork reflect life on the frontier in the nineteenth century.

Eight hands round

a patchwork alphabet
Introduces the letters of the alphabet with names of early American patchwork quilt patterns and explains the origins of the designs by describing the activity or occupation they derive from.

If animals kissed good night

Rhyming text explores what would happen if animals kissed like humans do, from a slow kiss between a sloth and her cub to a mud-happy kiss from a hippo calf to his father.

Silly Sadie, silly Samuel

Although their actions sometimes seem silly to their sensible neighbor, Sadie and Samuel enjoy their nonsensical lives.


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