Graphic medieval history

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Rebellion and revolt

Presents in graphic novel format three rebellions in medieval England.


Presents in graphic novel format three battles fought by knights in medieval history.

The Dark Ages and the Vikings

Presents in graphic novel format the arrival of the Vikings in early Britain to the Norman invasion.


Presents in graphic novel format three battles of the crusades.

Rebellion and revolt

Presents in graphic novel format three rebellions in medieval England.
Cover image of Rebellion and revolt


Three historic battles to claim the Holy Land during the time of the Crusades are told in graphic novel format: Christian soldiers try to take Jerusalem back from Muslim and Jewish defenders during the First Crusade in 1099;.


Presents in graphic novel format three attacks on medieval castles.

The Black Death

Presents in graphic novel format the bubonic plague outbreak in Europe during the middle of the fourteen century.

Rebellion and revolt

The heroes of rebellion in medieval England are featured in three historic stories told in graphic novel format: William Wallace and rebels take on English knights at Stirling Bridge in 1297; In 1381, a band of peasants protest a new tax; In 1401, Welsh Prince, rebelling against English rule, outwits English soldiers in the Battle of Bryn Glas.


Three decisive battles fought by knights in medieval history are told in graphic novel format: In 1415, English bowmen devastate the French army in the Battle of Agincourt; Successful in holding the French town of Orl?eans in 1428, the English forces are about to meet 17 year-old Joan of Arc; In 1485, two royal dynasties comes to an end at Bosworth.


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