An introduction to whales, looking at various types, showing where whales are found, and discussing birth, life cycle, habitats, swimming abilities, senses, eating habits, predators, communication, migration, and other aspects of whale life.
Photographs and illustrations describe the life cycle of various types of tortoise and turtle, their habitats and habits, predators, and migration patterns.
A photo-illustrated overview of tigers that covers their life cycle, habitats, movement, foods, hunting skills, communication, and threats to survival.
"An introduction to amphibians and their physical characteristics, life cycle, behaviors, and adaptations to various habitats. Features include diagrams, fun facts, glossary, resource list, and index"--Provided by publisher.
Bears are some of the best-known and most amazing animals in the world. They can swim for distances of 60 miles without a break, can detect a human's scent 14 hours after the person has passed by, and some bears eat for up to 16 hours a day!.
Eagles are some of the largest and most powerful of all birds. They can spot a rabbit from 5,000 feet away, stay in the air for hours at a time, and dive through the air at dizzying speeds to catch their prey.