A classic Franklin story

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Franklin's blanket

Franklin's favorite blanket is missing. He searches everywhere because he can't sleep without it.

Franklin has a sleepover

Franklin invites his friend Bear to a camp out in his backyard, but Bear prefers a bed.

Franklin fibs

Franklin tells his friends an exaggerated boast, but they expect him to prove it.

Franklin and the thunderstorm

Franklin's friends help him cope with his fear of thunder and lightning.

Franklin in the dark

Franklin, a turtle afraid of crawling into his dark shell, learns a lesson about fear from his mother.

Franklin goes to the hospital

Franklin's shell has cracked, and he needs to be a brave turtle when it's time to go to the hospital.

Finders keepers for Franklin

Franklin tries to decide if it is "finders keepers" or if he should try to find the owner when he finds a lost camera.

Franklin and Harriet

Franklin discovers the excitement of playing with his baby sister, Harriet.

Hurry up, Franklin

Even though he is very slow and has many distractions on the way, Franklin the turtle manages to get to Bear's house just in time for a special event.

Franklin in the dark

Franklin the turtle is afraid of the darkness inside his shell, so he asks other animals how they overcome their fears, and eventually uses a night light inside his shell.


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