Guide for curious minds

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Infinity explained

This witty and comprehensive guide revels in the wonders of mathematical concepts, from the basics of numeration and counting, to two-dimensional shapes and sold figures, all the way through to the influence of advanced mathematics theory on physics, chemistry, modern computing, and astrophysics. New mathematical theories, including chaos theory, fractals, and Non-Euclidian mathematics and geometry, are examined. A reference section breaks down formulae, provides conversion charts for weights and measurements, lists common compounds from the periodic table, as well as measurements of the distance between the Milky Way and other Local Group galaxies.

Mathematics explained

Readers learn about the first evidence of numerals found in carvings in eastern Afghanistan, that they can apply trigonometry to measuring the Eiffel Tower, and that the Fibonacci series applies to the dimensions of petals on a flower.

Ancient civilizations explained

Text and illustrations describe the history of ancient civilizations, focusing on key social and technological developments.
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