three-dimensional printing

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three-dimensional printing

3D materials and construction possibilities

This book takes a look at the different materials that can be used by 3D printers, what those materials can make, and the advantages and disadvantages for each.

Printing press to 3D printing

An introduction to the history of printing, from the first printing press invented by Johannes Gutenberg to 3D printing.

Bugging out

Freddie Liddle's classmate, Trevor, 3D prints bugs that become monsters, and the boys must stop them before they take over their town.

3D printing

An introduction to 3D printers, describing how they work, who is using them, and how objects are designed.

3D printing

"Printing has come a long way thanks to technology, from printing words and images on a flat surface to recreating a life-size version of a car. In 3D Printing in the Disruptors in Tech series, readers will discover how 3D printing technology has disrupted major industries including health and architecture design. Series includes a table of contents, tech-forward sidebars, a timeline, glossary, index, and author biography"--.

Changing lives through 3-D printing

One of the world's fastest-growing technologies, 3-D printing is swiftly changing the way various objects are manufactured. Also, 3-D printers offer the promise of growing new organs for medical transplants, re-creating the bodies of human and animal ancestors, and building entire habitats in outer space, to name only a few applications of this exciting new technology.

LEO the Maker Prince

journeys in 3D printing
"Teaches children (both young and old) about 3D printing by following Carla and LEO's journey through Brooklyn. LEO is a walking, talking robot who has the magical ability to print (in plastic) any object that Carla draws. The other robots have their own special capabilities: H1-H0 prints in metal, Sinclair-10 can find and print objects from a huge catalog of designs, and the others (including AL1C3-D, IRIS-7, and NiXie) have unique talents, too. Readers can come along for the journey, too: all of the objects in the book are printable one way or another"--Provided by publisher.


"Imagine printing a human heart with the click of a button. Sound impossible? Scientists and doctors are getting closer to transplanting human body parts made from 3-D printers. Learn how doctors are using 3-D printers to save lives as you add and subtract fractions"--Provided by publisher.

Blender 3D printing by example

learn to use Blender's modeling tools for 3D printing by creating 4 projects
A guide to using the software program Blender for 3D printing that features several projects and discusses the basics and tools, mesh modeling techniques, modifiers, shortcuts, and more.
Cover image of Blender 3D printing by example

3D printing

An introduction to 3D printers, describing how they work, who is using them, and how objects are designed.


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