Magid, an eight-year-old Muslim boy in Cairo, is determined to celebrate Ramadan by fasting, despite the opposition of family members who feel that he is not yet old enough to fast.
Introduces the eight key holidays of the Jewish year, including the seven major annual holidays and the weekly holiday of the Sabbath, exploring the background, meaning, and celebration of each. Includes craft ideas and recipes.
Presents a discussion of the Hindu festival that is also known as the Festival of Colors, covering the rituals and traditions associated with the Spring celebration in various parts of the world.
Presents a discussion of the month-long Muslim holiday called Ramadan, and covers the pilgrimage to Mecca and other customs, such as fasting, praying, visiting mosques, reading the Qur'an, and giving charity.
Tells the stories behind eleven Jewish holidays celebrated throughout the year, such as Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Passover, Shavout, and others; and includes activities, music, and recipes.