Koontz, Robin

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Animal-inspired robots

"Using a science called biomimicry, designers and engineers rely on nature to research and create new or improved designs, materials, and systems. Robotics is one of the . . . fields where scientists and engineers have been inspired by ideas from nature. In addition to humanoid robots that mimic human movement and behavior, many other creatures have provided . . . contributions to robotics"--Provided by publisher.

Think like an engineer

Provides an introduction to the work of an engineer.

Pueblos indi?genas

Los pueblos indi?genas son a menudo considerados como administradores principales de los recursos biolo?gicos del planeta. Sus formas de vida han contribuido a la proteccio?n del medio ambiente natural del que dependen.
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Los tres pequenos recicladores

When A. Wolf tried to recycle the pig's house that was made out of tin, he found out it was too sturdy.
Cover image of Los tres pequenos recicladores

Dinosaur dream

The science of a tsunami

This book discusses the science behind tsunamis. The chapters describe destructive tsunamis and their aftermath, explain why tsunamis occur, and explore scientists' efforts to predict these disasters. Diagrams, charts, and photos provide opportunities to evaluate and understand the scientific concepts involved.

The science of a sinkhole

This book discusses the science behind sinkholes.


Volcanologists study volcano eruptions, map deposits and collect samples to analyze. By dating and identifying the volcanic samples, they learn about a volcano's history.


An entomologist studies all insects, including bugs. They study insect anatomy, habitats, their activity, life cycle, and behaviors.

The three billy goats and Gruff

Gruff, the troll, is misunderstood by three billy goats.


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