At first, a young boy is the only person who hears the sorrowful song of an endangered right whale as she swims to deeper water, but as others gather to listen the whale's song becomes hopeful and she returns with a baby.
Take a colorful journey across the nation with Explore the U.S.A. Learn the geography, history, symbols, and interesting facts that make this state special. Explore the U.S.A. introduces beginning readers to Massachusetts through vivid images and engaging text.
An overview of right whales that describes their behavior, social structure, reproduction, and feeding; their history as the "right whale to kill"; and their difficulty in recovering from centuries of hunting despite conservation efforts.
Presents a general introduction to whales, and provides an account of the North Atlantic right whale, focusing on its struggle against extinction, and the fight to protect its feeding and breeding grounds along the east coast from Nova Scotia to Florida.