Young, Ed

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Siete ratones ciegos

Retells in verse the Indian fable of the blind men discovering different parts of an elephant and arguing about its appearance. The illustrations depict the blind arguers as mice.

Siete ratones ciegos

Retells in verse the Indian fable of the blind men discovering different parts of an elephant and arguing about its appearance. The illustrations depict the blind arguers as mice.

Lon Po Po

a Red-Riding Hood story from China
Three sisters staying home alone are endangered by a hungry wolf who is disguised as their grandmother. Includes an audio recording of the story.

Chinese Mother Goose rhymes =

{Ju tzu ko tiu}
A collection of nursery rhymes translated from Chinese, including ones on lady bugs, kites, and bumps on the head. Also includes the rhymes in Chinese characters.

Donkey trouble

In this retelling of the traditional fable, a kind but simple man and his grandson, on their way to market with their donkey, find it impossible to please everyone they meet.

Lon Po Po

a Red-Riding Hood story from China
Three sisters staying home alone are endangered by a hungry wolf who is disguised as their grandmother.

Lon Po Po

In this Chinese version of the classic fairy tale, a mother leaves her three children home alone. When the children are visited by a wolf, pretending to be their Po Po, or granny, they let him in the house, but ultimately are not fooled by his deep voice and hairy face. Combining ancient Chinese panel art techniques with a contemporary palette of colors, this powerful story brings lessons about strangers, trust and courage to a new generation. Narrated by B.D. Wong. Directed by Cha-Pow! with music by Ernest V. Troost.

Lon Po Po

In this Chinese version of the classic fairy tale, a mother leaves her three children home alone. When the children are visited by a wolf, pretending to be their Po Po, or granny, they let him in the house, but ultimately are not fooled by his deep voice and hairy face. Combining ancient Chinese panel art techniques with a contemporary palette of colors, this powerful story brings lessons about strangers, trust and courage to a new generation. Narrated by B.D. Wong. Directed by Cha-Pow! with music by Ernest V. Troost.

Lon Po Po

In this Chinese version of the classic fairy tale, a mother leaves her three children home alone. When the children are visited by a wolf, pretending to be their Po Po, or granny, they let him in the house, but ultimately are not fooled by his deep voice and hairy face. Combining ancient Chinese panel art techniques with a contemporary palette of colors, this powerful story brings lessons about strangers, trust and courage to a new generation. Narrated by B.D. Wong. Directed by Cha-Pow! with music by Ernest V. Troost.

Lon Po Po

In this Chinese version of the classic fairy tale, a mother leaves her three children home alone. When the children are visited by a wolf, pretending to be their Po Po, or granny, they let him in the house, but ultimately are not fooled by his deep voice and hairy face. Combining ancient Chinese panel art techniques with a contemporary palette of colors, this powerful story brings lessons about strangers, trust and courage to a new generation. Narrated by B.D. Wong. Directed by Cha-Pow! with music by Ernest V. Troost.


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