Follows the travels of English explorer Sir Walter Raleigh who led an expedition to found a colony in Roanoke in North Carolina and later explored South America.
Explains the grizzly bears decline due to human interaction and habitat loss. Readers will learn about the strategies put in place that help to recover this species from near extinction.
"The survival of the giant panda depends on the survival of its only food: bamboo. Habitat loss from the destruction of bamboo forests in south central China where they live made the giant panda a vulnerable species. This book tells how habitat conservation and the creation of borrowing-and-breeding programs with zoos around the world kept the beloved bear from extinction"--Amazon.
"The survival of the giant panda depends on the survival of its only food: bamboo. Habitat loss from the destruction of bamboo forests in south central China where they live made the giant panda a vulnerable species. This book tells how habitat conservation and the creation of borrowing-and-breeding programs with zoos around the world kept the beloved bear from extinction"--Amazon.