bird trapping

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bird trapping

Shh! Tenemos un plan

"Four friends creep through the woods, and what do they spot? An exquisite bird high in a tree! 'Hello birdie,' waves one. 'Shh! We have a plan,' hush the others. They stealthily make their advance, nets in the air. Ready one, ready two, ready three, and go! But as one comically foiled plan follows another, it soon becomes clear that their quiet, observant companion, hand outstretched, has a far better idea"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Shh! Tenemos un plan

Shh! We have a plan

Spotting an exquisite bird in a tree, three friends execute a series of stealthy plans to capture the bird only to have their efforts foiled, while their quiet, observant companion stretches out his hand to execute a plan of his own.
Cover image of Shh! We have a plan

Shh! We have a plan

"Four friends creep through the woods, and what do they spot? An exquisite bird high in a tree! 'Hello birdie,' waves one. 'Shh! We have a plan,' hush the others. They stealthily make their advance, nets in the air. Ready one, ready two, ready three, and go! But as one comically foiled plan follows another, it soon becomes clear that their quiet, observant companion, hand outstretched, has a far better idea"--Provided by publisher.
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