Small, Cathleen

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Using VR in gaming

"A book for high school students about virtual reality as it relates to gaming"--Provided by publisher.
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Using VR in medicine

Explores how virtual reality is being utilized within the medical field.
Cover image of Using VR in medicine

Chelsea Clinton

democratic campaigner and advocate
"Chelsea Clinton was immersed in politics when she moved into the White House for her father Bill Clinton's first inauguration. Her studies in history, politics, and public health set her on the path to lead interfaith and cross-cultural education initiatives. The influence of her mother Hillary Clinton imbues Chelsea's personal and professional life. Possessing her father's charisma and her mother's tenacity, Chelsea embraces her family background as she advocates for numerous global issues, including women's rights"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Chelsea Clinton


"A book for high school students about the history and developments made in the area of cloning"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Cloning

Elections and voting

Readers are presented with facts about the origins of the election system, how elections have changed over the years, and how elections currently function.
Cover image of Elections and voting


When one thinks of ancient Egypt, one may also think of the intricate way these ancient people buried their dead. Mummification was used in other ways prior to the Egyptians, but their style has made the Egyptians of the past famous. However, in more modern times, mummies have been made into monstrous creatures, brought back to life to haunt, torment, and torture. This book explores the real-life accounts of mummy history, discusses mummy myths across cultures, and explains how the myth of the mummy endures in the present day.
Cover image of Mummies

Diversity in medicine

Inspiring figures featured throughout emphasize the hard work and perseverance of some of medicine's most brilliant and determined figures, such as revolutionary ophthalmologist Patricia Bath and physician Kumar Bahuleyan.

The role of president

Readers learn about how the president gets elected, their various roles, the power they have and how that is balanced with other branches of government, and controversies and hardships a president may face during their time in office.

The Constitution

the responsibilities and powers of the U.S. government
Readers are given a detailed overview of how the Constitution was born and how it has been amended throughout history.

Laws and the judicial system

Readers are introduced to the many facets of the United States judicial system.


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